Helping property developers source Biodiversity Units.

The Environment Act 2021 makes a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) mandatory for all new development in England from February 2024.

Biodiversity Units UK Ltd helps property developers and their consultants to source Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Units.

With experience and understanding of the property development landscape and strategic connections into the UK rewilding industry, we’re able to understand the needs of developers, whilst ensuring we acquire ‘Best in Class’ BNG units at competitive prices.

We aim to make the process of purchasing BNG Units simple and easy for developers.

Bio Net Gain and its implications for developers.

From February 2024 it will be impossible to build under planning permission without covenanting to provide a minimum of 10% BNG.

Onsite - some developers may look to provide BNG as part of the development masterplan but for many sites this will be impractical, costly, or unviable.

Onsite BNG particularly on brownfield sites, will be difficult to adapt to provide high quality and diverse habitats. A hybrid BNG solution allows developers to meet the BNG requirements on and off site.

As part of the legislation, Biodiverse habitats will need to be maintained over the 30 years lifecycle. To ensure management plans are being implemented Local Authorities have enforcement powers which include penalties for developers.

Beyond the initial legislation, long term it will be in developers interests to provide high quality biodiverse habitats and over time BNG can help with ESG Credentials and provide positive news stories for developers.

Want to speak with one of our advisors? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch.

“Biodiversity Units UK helped us source BNG units for a forthcoming commercial development in Wokingham. The process was simple and easy to understand and they provided all the relevant documentation in order to complete our application”

— Berkshire, UK Property Consultant

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Our Partners

We (Biodiversity Units UK) have partnered with Nattergal as it's trusted conservation partner, in order to deliver the highest quality BNG units from it’s sites across the United Kingdom. With a strong commitment to ecological stewardship, Nattergal has established itself as a trusted partner in implementing sustainable practices and promoting biodiversity conservation.

Nattergal's approach to site selection is rigorous and well-informed. Their UK sites are strategically chosen based on comprehensive ecological surveys and assessments. These surveys ensure that the sites have high potential for biodiversity enhancement and habitat restoration. By focusing on locations with diverse ecosystems and sensitive species, Nattergal maximizes the positive impact of their projects, making them well-suited to provide Bio Net Gain units of the highest quality.

Their expertise in ecological restoration and habitat management sets them apart. Their dedicated team of experienced ecologists and conservationists employ scientifically sound methodologies to enhance biodiversity within their sites. Through meticulous planning, they create and maintain habitats that cater to a wide range of species, from rare plants to protected wildlife. Nattergal's commitment to long-term monitoring and adaptive management ensures that their projects deliver sustained benefits to biodiversity, bolstering their ability to provide Bio Net Gain units of exceptional quality.

Nattergal's dedication to evidence-based site selection, coupled with their extensive experience in ecological restoration, positions them as a reliable provider of the highest quality Bio Net Gain units. Their commitment to long-term monitoring and their passion for biodiversity conservation make them an excellent choice for companies seeking to meet their ecological net gain obligations while making a significant positive impact on the environment.

High integrity BNG!