A third of developers remain in the dark over Biodiversity Net Gain regulations

New research from Shawbrook has revealed that 31% of developers are unaware of the new Biodiversity Net Gains regulations set to come into force this month.

BNG regulations have been introduced to aid the recovery of nature while developing land, by ensuring that wildlife habitats are left in a better state than they were before the environment was developed. This will apply to developments in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, unless exempt, and will come into force for small sites from April 2024.

Just 22% of developers believe that the new BNG regulations won’t have an impact on their business, highlighting the importance of awareness ahead of the implementation.

With sustainability remaining a key issue and high on the agenda for developers, those who are aware of the regulations are already spending money to factor in BNG compliance as part of their development costs. On average, 41% of developers’ total costs is being spent on ensuring compliance.

In order to make sure properties are sustainable, investing in high-quality insulation is the most common action taken by developers, with 28% having done so. 26% have invested in greener building materials, and 26% have also invested in renewable energy systems such as solar panels; matched by 26% who have also invested in carbon offsetting their building work.

Other changes to ensure sustainability include:

25% - working with local councils to ensure good public transport links

25% - improving waste disposal of building materials

24% - reusing building materials

23% - Including green areas and cycle paths as part of the development

23% - adding electric car charging points

21% - creating spaces/habitats for local wildlife

21% - reducing traffic to building sites

18% - re-wilding areas within the development site

Credit: Property Reporter
Original article here

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