Introducing Biodiversity Units UK’s Partner Program

Since being written in law on the February 12th 2024, we know that the new world of BNG can be confusing and sometimes frustrating place for commercial property development. BNG site reviews need to be conducted on a site by site basis and also need to take into account a varied understanding of what’s needed and as a result varying procedural requirements.

No two development projects are the same and depending on the projects timelines, location and BNG requirement the advice we give may vary significantly.

We want to make the process as easy as possible for developers and so have put together a partner program for selected partners who we’re seeking to work with on an ongoing basis.

What are the benefits to the partner program: 

  • Access to expert advice on BNG. The latest insights, news and knowledge on the subject, with a commercial viewpoint.

  • Exclusive educational content 

  • Free to sign up and no obligation to buy 

  • Access to preferential pricing on BNG units

  • Unlocked preferred payment plans for clients

  • No cost, no requirement to buy with us

Who this is for:

Large Developers and associated parties including, Planning Consultants and Ecologists

Next steps: 

To request to be added to the program please contact to express your interest.

Want to speak with one of our advisors? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch.


Our Webinar on Biodiversity Net Gain


Nattergal’s Boothby, Rewilding Diaries - February 2024