Biodiversity Units UK - Off Site BNG Explained for Developers

This short overview of the BNG Offsite process should outline the main stages of how we help our clients source offsite BNG. As always though, if you have further questions get in touch at

Each stage of the process can vary depending on how quickly we receive information from you, but assuming we have anything we need we aim to help you solve your BNG problem within 5 days.

1. Your project details

At this phase it’s important to understand your project. This includes the unit requirements you need. We will request to see the Ecologist report and DEFRA metric, but we’ll also ask you details of when you expect to go into planning or did go into planning. Sometimes the dates of these will affect your BNG solution (Mandatory / Non Mandatory BNG). We’ll also request to see your project location so we can look at which LPA / NCA you are within. Finally we’ll ask you what your expected construction dates look like, this helps to understand whether you need units immediately (already registered with S106 and on the DEFRA register) or whether we have a time to work with a supplier whose units are in the registration process. 

2. Analysing your DEFRA metric

Our in-house habitat specialist will review your DEFRA metric from the perspective of an Offsite BNG supplier. This informs us on what units you may need to provide including advice on what units are more readily available or easier to source more locally to the project.

The DEFRA metric has been created to minimize the amount of habitats lost on site and so the offsite BNG provider often needs to work out the best ways to compensate for this. It is not uncommon for us to come back to you and see if there’s ways of replanning onsite BNG in order to reduce costs.

3. Proposing the units you need and sourcing a supplier

At this stage we’ll review our supplier database and inventory to see which suppliers are most appropriate for your requirements. In some situations we need to fulfill a new search for a BNG supplier or work with a provider to update their Habitat Management Plan. We’ll then propose potential solutions and costs.

Sometimes we’re able to negotiate preferential payment terms and deposits. Again we’ll consider your best interests here, but also your timings and BNG provider timings.

Often we’ll look to propose a number of suppliers with different pros and cons to working with them.

4. Completing the BNG unit purchase

As part of deal completion we’ll turn your formal quote into a series of documents that will help you through the LPA’s planning process. This might include a reservation letter or deposit confirmation letter, supported by a BNG solution methodology that outlines how you’ve gone about your search for a BNG solution.

Depending on the way this purchase agreement is structured we’ll then liaise between the developer and the supplier to facilitate the contracts and provide all of the following documentation:

- 30 year Habitat Management Plan (specific to units being acquired) ✅

- Section 106 with LPA (provides formal assurance of right to sell units, plan and obligations in place to deliver, overseen by LPA) ✅

- Commercial BNG "Supply & Assurance" Agreement (bi-lateral with developer) ✅

- DEFRA Habitat Unit Register Assignment ✅

- Annual report for developers on project status and integrity ✅

Our promise.

We understand that for developers Biodiversity Net Gain can appear confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. We are committed to making this very easy for developers. No vagueness on price, no vagueness on locations, no long winded process. Simply the best quality units from a trusted source.


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