Why are Nattergal’s BNG Units considered to be of the highest integrity?

Nattergal is a company set up specifically to deliver nature recovery at scale and in perpetuity, providing vital benefits for society. Their BNG units contribute to landscape scale rewilding projects delivering huge biodiversity gains through the restoration of natural processes. The team are dedicated to pioneering natural capital funding to deliver large scale rewilding projects founded on data, monitoring and true biodiversity uplift.

Rewilding is a type of nature restoration that takes large scale degraded ecosystems and restores them to nature through restoring natural processes such as large free roaming herbivores and function hydrology. Many BNG projects will be fragmented and on small areas, and although important cannot contribute to true biodiversity uplift at a landscape scale.

BNG contracts are for a minimum of 30 years however Nattergal’s sites will be restored to nature in perpetuity, with BNG forming a critical pillar of the funding required to create these changes. With extensive community engagement and a range of exceptional partners, each site will flourish for generations to come as wilderness thriving with life. As opposed to many other units available, Nattergal’s BNG units contribute to something bigger, at the landscape scale creating true and tangible biodiversity results.

Nattergal is founded by the team behind the Knepp Wildland in West Sussex, with over 20 years of experience delivering nature at scale they are set to provide some of the highest integrity units on the market. This integrity is underpinned not simply by the team and the Defra Metric, but with biodiversity monitoring and university partnerships.

Nattergal’s sites monitor invertebrates, birds, fungi, soils, plants and everything in between using eDNA, sensors and ecologists to demonstrate tangible biodiversity change on top of the metric. This knowledge and research layers on top of the Defra Metric calculation demonstrating that BNG units as part of a landscape scale restoration project delivers true biodiversity gain.

Nattergal’s units are additional, have a positive impact for local communities, are verified against the metric and additional bioidveristy monitoring, and are part of something much bigger – landscape scale change.

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Boothby Wildlands - Site Introduction


BNG launch moved to January 2024